There are three general phases of chiropractic care . .
Phase 1: Relief Care
If you are in pain when you come into our office, the
first objective is to help you feel better. Depending on
the severity of your problem, it is typical to need care
2-3 times per week for 4-12 weeks.
Phase 2: Corrective/Restorative Care
During the corrective care phase, muscles and other
tissues are allowed to heal more completely, thereby
helping prevent injury. It is typical to need care 4-8
times per month for 6-24 months, depending on your
overall health and the severity of your problem.
Phase 3: Wellness Care
Once your body has fully healed, it is important to come
in for periodic adjustments to avoid problems in the
future. Usually, this only requires a quick visit to the
chiropractor 1-4 times per month, based on your
lifestyle and goals.
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